Monday, July 13, 2009

People are just FAB.


Why are people SO stupid? ..Not thick-stupid but frustrating stupid? Hmm? Why can't people just consider my feelings sometimes? Maybe I'm wacked out and seeing things the wrong way, or maybe I'm selfish but I feel like I do nice things for people and then just get smacked in the face for it.

"Oh, let me change my plans for you!" Says me.
"Thanks, you're a pal. Now let me smack you in the face. Yay!"

Fml. But don't worry about me, I don't have feelings anything. :


  1. Nope, I don't even remember the last time I did something nice for you..oops. Yeah, you're pretty polite Stephers, and you seem to look around and see if your actions are going to hurt anyone :)
