Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Is Killing Me.

It's that time of year; not only is it Christmas, it's stress-season but Christmas is not solely at fault. It is the end of the year, the end of everything. Everything in the natural world is dying, but I prefer to think of it as restarting the cycle. Within humanity, it is this time of year that people change, start thinking about their futures and their lives. They shed themselves of the "me" of last year and start on a new one. But they can't always let go, no matter how much they want to. They want to celebrate and rid themselves of their own stress but can't find anyone to celebrate with because they have changed, they aren't the friend they once were, not the daughter or son, not the person they used to be and other people have a hard time understanding that, regardless of their own personal fluctuation. Nobody likes change, but everyone likes to change.

I feel like I am shedding a skin, a hard task when you have so much to do. I want to curl up and hibernate but I can't. There are turkeys to cook and houses to clean; not to mention the presents to buy. All I wanted for Christmas was to have my family at my house on Christmas eve, and I'm thrilled that they are, but Christmas has, once again, snuck up on me. It has taken me by suprise. The semester is nearly over and my grades are slipping, but who has the time for school work? Biology is going to slaughter my grade average, but there's no time to study. I have to remodel myself, I have to please those around me and say good bye to those of whoms crap I refuse to continue to put up with. But I can't. I can't do this all at once.

8 days in a week, I need 8 days in each week. Two days for school, two days for friends, two days for work, and two days for me.
But who am I kidding. It would be six days for friends and two days for work and school pushed together.

What I listened to while I wrote this:


  1. This might not mean much coming from me Holly, but you seem to have a solid core, I don't think that has, ever or will ever change. Unfortunately, this isn't something I can tell you over a computer really, but I don't want you to fret too much <3 I've been told that we change every 10 years.. I haven't lived long enough to atest to that, but it seems to make sense. You'll shed many skins over your lifetime, but you'll always be strong and smart and talented. BAHUMBUG I WISH WE COULD TALK IN PERSON :/ I love you :)

    Thank you bb, you are wiseand wordful! <3 We will talk soon, kay? That's for being my number one blog fan ;) Looove you too <3
