Saturday, January 1, 2011

Auld Lange Syne

New Years, sweet, sweet New Years :) 2010 has flown past, I can't believe it. Such a significant year, and it's over. It's a hard concept to grasp. I remeber when we were younger, and summer break lasted forever and the days waiting for Christmas made you feel older. Each year goes by faster. Too fast. I keep expecting them to move slowly like they used too. I've heard it keeps going; flying by with more speed each year. I'm telling you, it's a weird, weird idea. A year, is not so long anymore, not as siginificant.

So heres the good stuff, my new years resolutions (on the spot):

1) Be Less Depressing-I promised Ainslie I would stop texting her all my woes and worries and so, I'm going to look on the brighter side.
2) Stop cracking my knuckles-it grosses people out, and isn't very lady like (says my grandmother)
3) Make New Friends-I love having new people in my life. So there.
4) Schoooool Work-gotta get into better habits...

Ahh that's enough :)

I was informed, by a reader, (Anne ;P) that my blogs are sad sounding. SO I would just like to point out that yes some of them are (because who has time to blog when they are having the time of their life) but most of the "sad" ones are just stating facts and I feel neutral about the subjects etc.

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