Sunday, August 16, 2009


I know this guy. Let's call him bud.

Bud is a jerk. Bud is rude, he doesn't know how to act polite, responsible or even respectful. He is older then me but he is less mature then most people I know, and that is saying something. When I say mature, I'm not just talking about humour-I love immature humour, most of the time-I am talking about his attitude towards everything. How he reacts to situations, the way he takes everything as an offense and mostly the way he pouts when the attention is on anyone but himself. Bud gets invited to a lot of parties my friends and I host whether we like or not, though it is our fault because we let him get invited or tag along. At these parties he sulks, glowers, sits alone, refuses to join in the games and starts fights with other people at the party. Sometimes he will actually leave, or go in another room because he is ...well I'm not entirley sure but he is pouting. I feel that if you are going to attend a party, either put on a happy face because this party is not about you or do not come at all if you are feeling to miserable to even smile. You are ruining the party for everyone else when you make it about yourself. I know Bud won't read this. But I feel like maybe telling him the truth, though I know he is too immature to take it well. Bud would probably call me names and never talk to me agian. Which is stupid. Argh. It really frustrates me to be put in situations with someone I don't like and have to put up with him. Even when he is being a complete asshole. Bud actually started arguing with an 11 year old one time. HOW RIDICULOUS? I mean seriously. Grow up a little, please?

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