Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Brain Dead

Absolutely brain dead. I couldn't think of a topic for my writing assignment, so I thought I'd blog; get my post in for the week. And what happens? Nothing. The annoying little cursor blinks at me in the title box, teasing me. So, of course, I go on google. First I google images of how I'm feeling, and that goes no where. Then I thought I'd look up "thought provoking questions" to provoke thoughts. Guess how well that worked out? Most of them asked things like: "can you be corned in a circlular room?" or "if pizza is round, why does it go in a square box?"

 That. Is. Not. Thought. Provoking. My. Thoughts. Have. Not. Been. Provoked.

Yes, you can be cornered in a circular room. To be "cornered" is to be surrounded. So you could be cornered anywhere in anyroom. You could even be corned in middle. Sort of.

And pizza is in a square box because it is in a square box. Because boxes are sqaure.

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