Sunday, August 7, 2011

While Driving home from work last night...

I raged. I am so mad at you. I don't care, no I don't give a fuck, if it's fair. Sure, you are only human and you deserve space when you want it, when you "need" it. But when you asked me to be yours you took our relationship to another level. I deserve to know what's going on, you owe that to me. You cannot just put us on pause; you cannot just put life on pause and this is a part of life...we are forever moving forward. I have no idea what is going on for you and therefore I have no sympathy. I am just mad. You surprised me, blind-sided me and I am hurt.

I'm not actually sure I will take you back. And I'm sure that will blind-side you in return. But that's not why I would do it. This is strike two. Strike one was texting your ex-gf 24/7. I am not a controlling bitch so I said nothing because I did not want to give you reason to control who I talk to, what ex's I can be friends with. And also because I thought it was fair. You promised me you were over her and that you were just friends. But for god's sakes, you would stop making out with me to reply to her texts. If this has anything to do with her I really don't know if I can take you back. I don't even trust you right now.

It's ridiculous, but I want to change my relationship status and give you my flowers back. I feel as though I have been broken up with. You cannot just leave me here hovering in no-man's land waiting for you. You cannot just ignore me, pretend that I am not here. I hope you know that when you do finally come to tell me what is happening, whenever that will be, that I will be telling you all of this.

I hope you know what you've done.

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